Wednesday, 21 March 2012

trusting in the doctor...

Last year August, I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts. I have always strived to be as healthy as I can be and so this came as quite a shock to me considering that my periods had always been regular. What I should have done back then, was to go to a doctor who was experienced in laproscopic surgeries and someone who would do a great job at it. Instead, I decided to get it done with the first doc (Dr. Vathsala) I met with. She was middle-aged (around 50..) and she seemed to have 35+ years in gynocolgy and obsterics. While I did go to an experienced doc, I did not go to a doc who was versed in latest technologies. I was immediately put on fertility treatments after my operation. No questions asked if I could wait or if I really wanted a kid at that moment. No questions asked if I was fertile or not ( I had never tried for a baby till then...). Instead the husband and Iwere told we needed to conceive as soon as possible to avoid further occurance of cysts. It was a conservative mindset, perhaps our first warning that we were with the wrong doc. The very fact that she was ready to put us on fertility meds without waiting to see if our bodies were fine and if we could conceive properly, that really should have been my first clue and I really should have not continued with the doc...

Instead, I bargained for extra time of 5 months where in Iwould try to conceive normally and if not, I would get back to her for more fertility meds. I was later told by others that people wait for a minimum of one year before trying to conceive naturally and then come to the conclusion as to whether or not one is fertile. I did not know that I could be fertile and still develop cysts on my ovaries. It was a period of misinformation and ignorance coupled with blind trust on the doctor who had operated on me. I did not want to change doctors assuming that since she was familiar with my case history, my different warning signals needed to be ignored. And which other doctor would take me in when I had already started consulting another one (turns out, quite a few doctors are open to the idea that I had consulted someone else and wanted a second opinion..)

I ended up pregnant. It was a natural process. In hindsight, I should have consulted a couple of doctors and decided on whom to go to for the actual beautiful process of pregnancy and childbirth. I did not do that. I decided to trust the doctor who had done my operation. She put me on 18 injections of HCG taken biweekly through out the first trimester , twice a day for four months of progesterone and folic acid. I had my doubts as to why I was taking all these medicines. I thought pregnancy was a natural process and one need not interfere so much. I was told that I had cysts so mine was not a normal pregnancy and that I could never ever hope to have a normal drug-free pregnancy. I believed this as well.

18 injections later, realization struck. My NT scan came out fine. But I was told to continue with the harmone tablets and I was put on calcium and iron tablets inspite of still being in the beginning of the fourth month. I finally realized I needed to take a second opinion on whether or not I could have a drug-free pregnancy. Today, I consulted Dr.Latha Venkatraman - someone who is quite well known in her field. And she convinced me that pregnancy is not a health condition that needs to be treated with medicines. She has given me hope that I can have a drug-free pregnancy once again. She has cut all the other meds I was taking and asked me to take only Folic Acid. I do not know whether to laugh or cry for the amount of drugs I have already put into my body so far. Iam happy I finally had the courage to change the doctors at the right time. Ihave two more trimesters to go and I am at a happier place.

I write this to give all those of you who suffer from PCOS and endometric cysts some hope. Not only can you get pregnant naturally, you can have a normal drug-free pregnancy as well - do not let any doctor convince you otherwise and inject you with drugs like I let them to.

Please learn something from my episode!

Friday, 16 March 2012

Weighty- issues

So how does one handle pregnancy in India ? I do not know... But in the last 4 months of being pregnant, I have made my share of mistakes that I would like to share so that someone else shall benefit from it. I had cysts on my ovaries and so having conceived so soon after the operation in itself is a blessing.. Now, my doc also believed this was a blessing and I had to sustain the kid full-term at ANY cost. Her word of advice : take bed rest for the first 3 months... Now, we all know the first month of pregnancy is the month we conceive ;) and of course, I was exercising all through that month. Coupled with the good-news of being pregnant and the advice to take bed rest , I ate (for 2 -as I was psychologically confident that my baby needed more food) and slept all through my second month of pregnancy. I ate my 3 course meals (2 times a day), hearty breakfast, and lousy snacks obtained mostly from the bakery ( everything having butter and cream..). It tasted good. It felt great to eat all the time with no exercise (I had also taken permission to work from home that month..). I ended up putting on 5 kgs on that one month.

That was when I knew something was not right. Today 2 months later, I am still trying to eat right and tell my body that I ate too much that month and I am sure that my 5 inch baby does not really need as much food as I am putting in... I went through a couple of blogs... And the only conclusion I have come to is that I DO need to exercise. Pregnancy is definitely not a health condition for me to stop exercising. My doctor, who I am sure meant well, was wrong. I do not need bed rest. All I need to do is be careful that I do not lift heavy things, climb stairs slowly but maintain at least a half hour of exercise every single day.

I ate better in the third month of pregnancy. Replaced bakery items with fruits. Munched fruits and fruit-juices everytime my baby (or my mind psychologically ) carved food. And exercised 2-3 times a week. The third month I had gained 1 kg. Which was kinda normal...

I am yet to exercise every single day... Though on an average with the onset of the 4th month and the end of the first trimester round the corner, I am exercising 4-5 times a week. I have hired a cook to help me with food-prep. She has promised to pack fresh fruits and salads for lunch apart from my daily dose of rice ,chappati and sabzi for lunch. At least with her ensuring that I eat right, I hope to limit my weight gain during the pregnancy.

I will be paying the cook Rs. !500/- from April onwards and this is a cut in my budget but then Ido need all the help I can need during this pregnancy. And one of the benefits of living in India in an upper middle class family is to be able to afford help. I am indeed fortunate to be here at this time. I know how hard it is for so many others, who have no help and are still able to somehow juggle office work and maintain a work-life balance with their spouse during pregnancy  which is so difficult as you are hit by so many pregnancy harmones. Ireally commend them.

I believe in being frugal. But comfort overrules every thing else. If a help in the form of a cook, results in me spending more on eating good food from home rather than splurging for food outside that is going to be unhealthy... then paying the cook Rs. 1500/- per month is more than worth it.

That's it from now! Do take care...